Gary Lee2023/11/03 12:46am

How the Vintage Fantasia 15" Plasma Ball Works

The Fantasia 15" Plasma Ball is a large Tesla coil that was made for the Disney movies Fantasia in movie theaters in 1940. It's a bit different from the plasma balls that you see today because it uses a different type of technology.

The original Fantasia 15" Plasma Ball used a vacuum tube to create the plasma field. The vacuum tube was filled with neon gas, and a high voltage was applied to the tube. This created a plasma field inside the tube.

The plasma field was then projected onto a screen, creating the lightning-like effect that you see in the movie. The original Fantasia 15" Plasma Ball was very large and heavy, and it required a lot of power to operate. This is why it was only used in movie theaters.

How the Fantasia 15" Plasma Ball Works

The Fantasia 15" Plasma Ball works by using a high voltage transformer to create a plasma field inside the glass globe. The plasma field is made up of ionized gas molecules, which are electrically charged. When you touch the glass globe, your body completes the electrical circuit, and the plasma field is attracted to your hand. This creates the lightning-like effect that you see.

Modern Plasma Balls

Modern plasma balls work on the same basic principle as the original Fantasia 15" Plasma Ball. However, they use different technology to create the plasma field. Modern plasma balls use a solid-state oscillator to create the plasma field. This makes them smaller, lighter, and more efficient than the original Fantasia 15" Plasma Ball.

Where to Buy a Fantasia 15" Plasma Ball

Fantasia 15" Plasma Balls are not very common, but you can find them online from time to time. They are usually quite expensive, but they are a unique and collectible item.


The Fantasia 15" Plasma Ball is a unique and historic item. It was the first plasma ball to be used in a movie theater, and it helped to popularize plasma balls with the general public. If you are a fan of Disney or Tesla coils, then a Fantasia 15" Plasma Ball is a must-have item for your collection.

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